Purchase the Away Days FC jersey here


Men’s over 30’s team


We’re on a mission to build the greatest rec football club that Portland has ever seen. We currently have three 11 a-side teams playing in the Greater Portland area. Women’s D1, Men’s over 30’s and Men’s over 40’s and a summer COED team. We hope to add more teams to our club roster in the coming seasons, if you are interested in starting an Away Days FC team email pete@homeandaway.studio

All Away Days FC players will receive a membership card for discount beer at the taproom.


If you are interesting in joining one of our current teams please contact…..

Women’s: Katherine Souza, ktysza@gmail.com

Men’s Over 30’s: Danny Milligan, dmmilligan@gmail.com

Men’s Over 40’s: Peter Hoppins, Pete@homeandaway.studio

Coed Open age: Rob Grey, sillyrobchildish@gmail.com

Please note, all teams currently play at D1 level except COED